4W8X Update (23-Dec): The 4W8X DXpedition is over. On Monday, 04-Dec-2023, at 04:59z the last contact went in the log.
Club Log and OQRS: All incoming messages regarding missing contacts have been settled. If you still miss contact(s) with 4W8X, please let us know.
Our callsign 4W8X has been pirated every now and then. Eventually you didn't work us, but the pirate(s).
However, if you once "saw" your contact on Club Log and later it had disappeared, of course we should have a look again.
Else, please request your 4W8X paper QSL card and LotW confirmation here.
Many Thanks for all the contacts. We hope you enjoyed our activity as much as we did. 73 and seasons greetings from DL6FBL and the team.

Corporate Sponsors

We want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH to those companies which generously donated material and labour to the Lagunaria DX Group - not only for this 4W8X activity, but even more activities to follow (in alphabetical order):
4-Square controllers
phasing cables
Lemka GmbH:
Outdoor Fibre Optics cable
(between our shacks)
Messi & Paoloni:
Airborne-10 coax cable
Monoband Yagis
Penta10 Multiband-Yagis
OM Power:
Maintenance and Repair
on ten existing amplifiers

We are also very grateful to those companies, which are supporting us by providing equipment free of charge on a temporary basis or having given us special prices on our purchases: