4W8X Update (23-Dec): The 4W8X DXpedition is over. On Monday, 04-Dec-2023, at 04:59z the last contact went in the log.
Club Log and OQRS: All incoming messages regarding missing contacts have been settled. If you still miss contact(s) with 4W8X, please let us know.
Our callsign 4W8X has been pirated every now and then. Eventually you didn't work us, but the pirate(s).
However, if you once "saw" your contact on Club Log and later it had disappeared, of course we should have a look again.
Else, please request your 4W8X paper QSL card and LotW confirmation here.
Many Thanks for all the contacts. We hope you enjoyed our activity as much as we did. 73 and seasons greetings from DL6FBL and the team.

Propagation (November)

Stu, K6TU, has provided us with a nice propagation tool. It creates prediction charts for all bands from 10m through 80m - based on your real location (Maidenhead locator like JO31 or FM19). You can select from some typical antenna farms on your side like "Vertical", "Tribander/Wires" or "Big Gun". The tool will help you to get an idea when to reach Timor-Leste on which band.

You can use this service for free and generate your individual chart (no login required, but please consider to check out Stu's other services offered there).

Here is one example of what you can get from the tool:

Reproduced with permission – K6TU, 2023

Please use our contact form and let us know what you think about this service. We'll be happy to forward your feedback to Stu, K6TU.

Difficult propagation paths

To understand what are the difficult signal paths through the polar regions, look at the Great Circle Map around Timor-Leste. There will be challenges to reach W1, W2, VE1, VE2, VE9, VO1, VO2, other countries in the Arctic and also some parts of South America. Having understood that, we'll try to be on those bands at those times which can provide the best chances to work those difficult regions.

Picture taken from DXAtlas software, (c) Alex, VE3NEA.

Please visit our sponsors:

DX Engineering Lemka GmbH Messi & Paoloni Momobeam OM Power